Euphoria(the pursuit of Happiness)_ I'd rather stay spent

               "Restlessness and discontent are the necessities for progress"

 Often times than not, we get carried away with the feeling of euphoria or momentary happiness over certain things at a particular point in our lives. It could come from the littlest things; a new job, a roof over our heads, a lover ❤, a few good friends and family, etc.. & I know u might be asking, "what's so wrong with that"? I would love to tell you- nothing, that its absolutely fine, but that would be a catastrophic lie! Why? Because the state of constant rest or inertia leads to a lack of innovation and mediocrity. At that point we fail to discover the difference between living and just existing. Existing is a state of not adding value to one self nor environment, but just surviving on vibes and whatever fate throws at you. Living is the act of obtaining fulfillment and peace by being an existing force of value and substance. A valuable person constantly causes positive change in his or her life and that of others... They do this by looking at their spaces and fixing things, they think outside of the box, they step out of their comfort zones & take a look at reality outside what they're used to & seek ways to profound solution. Being a value adding person starts with oneself & from the mind; because for one to conquer the world, he must first conquer himself, as the strength of a man is not determined by his outward battles, but by his internal/personal struggles & wins. It starts with instilling discipline in yourself & abiding by them, whether alone or in d midst if people, or in the face of pressure. One must constantly strive to build a lifestyle of consistency, diligence, integrity & strength of character. People who are built like this are rarely caught off guard. They are built to ride the waves when the tide changes.. This is in contrast to people who choose to remain immersed in "comfort zones", which unknown to them is a danger zone, because life is so unpredictable and just as there's day and night time, the same principles apply in life situations and stages. So from the moment you open your eyes to the precious gift of life, wake up with the mindset of being intentionally valuable. Be disciplined in maintaining that healthy routine, in following up on that task, in being kind & attentive to your self & your environment.. And lastly, not being afraid to face challenges and take up aligned responsibilities. Go back to your bed at the end of everyday day "spent", for this is the essence of true living and only when you are spent can you overcome being stale, but be refilled, renewed and refreshed. This is the true EUPHORIA

Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. Self actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be, and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings you the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run. -David Leonhardt

Proverbs 6:6, Proverbs 14:8



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